A Special Message from Our Deacon
There are times in our lives when we step up to meet a challenge. The challenge may be simply an individual effort or a team effort. We always try to do our best, but sometimes the challenge is difficult and maybe we don’t quite know how others will respond. That’s when we reach deep down inside ourselves and put that extra effort into the task at hand. After the event, we find that family, friends and perhaps our team mates tell us, “WOW, you were really great, you inspired us to do our best.” Those are the times I call, “A personal best.”
I can tell you that in all my years as a Deacon and in all the parishes I have visited, none can exceed the experiences I have had in ministry with the people of Saint Jane Frances. Not that those other parishes haven’t stepped up to the needs of the community, but not to the level I have experienced here.
November was a crucial month with the Thanksgiving celebration in front of us. NCEON provides people with something to be thankful for including GOD for being there when they and we need Him the most. Never before have the people of Saint Jane’s accomplished what was accomplished for the month of November. I call it “a personal best!” We were able to deliver 300 bags of groceries to care for others...and just in time for Thanksgiving.
There are those you will never know, or who will never know you, that you have cared for. So thank you and may God continue to watch over you, care for and bless you.
- Deacon Robert