Friday, May 18, 2012

God’s Faith in Us

Dear Parishioners,

Before Jesus left the disciples (Mark 16:15-20), he once again reminded them that they had a job, his job, to do (Acts 1:1-11). They were to wait for the Holy Spirit, but afterwards they would continue his work around the world through all the ages, until he returned again in glory. We often remark about the faith in Jesus that the fulfillment of that mission required from the apostles. And indeed, it did require faith from them, as it continues to require faith from us today… to carry out the mission of our Lord.

But just think for a moment about the faith Jesus had in the disciples and in us. After pouring himself into them for three years, after dying on the cross for the redemption of the world, after returning to them in the power of Easter, Jesus left his entire mission to that group of disciples, and by extension, to all of us. Now that is amazing faith indeed!

- Deacon Robert

“The Blessed Virgin loves above all
to see in her children purity,
humility, and charity.”
- The Cure D’Ars