Friday, October 21, 2022

Stewardship: Our Path Forward

Dear SJF/OLC Pastorate Friends,

This weekend is the Announcement Weekend for our annual Stewardship program called Our Path
. A few weeks ago, we published the financial results for both parishes in the weekend bulletin, and as always, we are extremely thankful for your generous support of our pastorate parishes. We would be unable to offer the programs and services we do without your support – both volunteering of your time as well as your financial contributions.

I also want to acknowledge that we are living in a very difficult time for some of us. Our finances have
been stretched thin with rising prices and other things that have caused our paychecks to not go as far as they have in the past. The first responsibility of all of us is to take care of our domestic church – our homes and families. That does not mean that the local parish church cannot use some support as well, but I trust and pray that those of you who have been blessed with an abundance will be able to help our parishes to grow and thrive and continue the mission of preaching Christ to our greater Pasadena community.

Over the next week, I would ask you to please prayerfully consider how your commitment to our parish’s offertory income can empower a positive transformation in our pastorate community of faith and fulfilling our call to extend Christ’s light into the world. Online giving is also a great way to make your offertory commitment more regular while still offering you the opportunity to make changes as needed. To set up online giving for either parish or to update your current level of online giving, go to and select your parish. Offertory gifts to St Jane Frances are called “Parish Care Pledge,” and offertory gifts to OLC are called “Stewardship Commitment.” Thank you for your gifts to both parishes! Next weekend will be our pastorate Commitment Weekend when each of us will have an opportunity to renew or enhance our offertory gifts to our beloved parishes.

In closing, please allow me to share the Stewardship Prayer for your use this week as you discern your

Good and gracious God, You call us to be disciples carrying out your mission. Transform us through the power of your Spirit. Open our hearts to acknowledge your many blessings: To use your gifts wisely. To share generously. To serve joyfully. To live responsibly. To be a gift to others. Help us nurture a stewardship way of life, which connects, serves, and impacts our communities. We pray, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thank you for keeping us in your daily prayers as we certainly do for each of you!

God Bless,
Father Steve