Friday, July 19, 2024

Rest Awhile

Dear Friends of our Pastorate,

Our Gospel for this 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time begins with the apostles meeting up with Jesus after
completing the mission Jesus sent them on in last weekend’s Gospel. They report to him on “all they have done and taught,” and Jesus invites them to rest awhile. Yet the people who had encountered their good works continue to seek them out, so much so that it was difficult for them to take a break. As we know, getting away to be refreshed and renewed is so important, not only during the summer, but also each week. We all should spend one day a week in rest and relaxation, be it Sunday or another day if need be. Also make time to come to Mass each Sunday to receive strength and healing from the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist… the best medicine for a weary soul!

This weekend is the conclusion of the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Tens of thousands of Catholics from throughout the country are gathered there to celebrate the gift that the Eucharist is to us and to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for our Church, our country, and our world. After the attempted assassination of former Pres. Trump, we know how desperately our nation is in need of prayer: prayers for peace, prayers for civility, prayers for God to become a part of our daily lives once again. As the Letter to Ephesians reminds us this weekend, Christ is our peace.

Our Pastorate youth have been working at the Catholic Heart Work Camp in Wilmington, DE this past week. Although it has been a hot week, they have been working hard to serve those in need in the local community and have learned much about how we as Catholics put our faith into action. Please continue to pray for our youth as we grow and expand our pastorate’s youth ministry programs, and invite your kids to participate.

The next opportunity for our youth to serve is Summer Mission. The program is open to middle school youth as participants and high school youth as peers. There are two sets of dates for Summer Mission: Aug. 6–8 based at OLC and Aug 13–15 based at SJF. Sign up for either or both! Contact Diana Healy ( or Tim Janiszewski ( for more information.

Thanks to everyone who has donated to our roof replacement projects. We have raised over $50,000 so far at OLC and about $64,000 at SJF. Tax free donations (nothing will go to the Archdiocese) are still being accepted for both projects.

Thank you for keeping our Pastorate of the Visitation—St. Jane Frances and Our Lady of the Chesapeake—in your daily prayers!

God Bless,
Father Steve