Dear Parishioners,
In last week’s gospel (MT 16:13-20), Peter was praised by Jesus for recognizing who He really was, “the Son of the living God.” Of course, Peter didn’t figure that all out by himself. It had been revealed to him by Jesus’ heavenly Father. Nevertheless, Peter was the willing instrument testifying to the Apostles and the world the true identity of the Christ. This week when he finds out our Lord’s mission (MT 16:21-27), Peter becomes an obstacle, a stumbling block to Jesus who rightly puts him in his place, rebuking him as a satan, a deceiver. So in the span of just a few lines in the gospel, Peter goes from good and strong to weak and wimpy. But don’t you and I sometimes do the same? We are living our faith in grace and peace, and then some temptation comes along, and we fall. However, Jesus doesn’t leave Peter in his fallen state. Six days later, he takes Peter along with James and John up the mountain to witness his Transfiguration as a sign of the final outcome to his Passion and Death (MT 17:1-8).
This all serves as a reminder to us that when we trip and fall into sin, we need not lose heart, for Jesus wants to lift us back up into his good graces as he did St. Peter.
Fr. Carl