Friday, August 26, 2022

Humility And Prayer

Brothers and Sisters,

The readings this week call our attention to a very important Christian virtue: humility. It is an attribute and quality of God which all his children must strive to possess and live. We are therefore encouraged this Sunday to reflect deeply on this great virtue. We are called to imitate the humility of Jesus Christ our Lord, who is meek and humble of heart.

In the gospel (Lk 14:1, 7-14), Jesus exhorts us: “…Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the man who humbles himself will be exalted.” Jesus teaches the importance of humility and simplicity in our Christian journey. In this regard, we have a lot to learn from him. True humility, as Jesus teaches, does not seek repayment. We are to serve others, not expecting to be served in return.

There is nothing to lose by being humble. Proverb tells us that: “Humility and the fear of the Lord brings wealth, honor, and life” (Prov 22:4). On the contrary, pride results in defeat and shame. Any spiritual life that is not based on humility will definitely be an empty one. This is because such a Christian will only work for himself and without regards for others. True humility involves going out of our way and out of our comfort zone to interact with those most in need.

Finally, the church teaches us that: “Humility is the foundation of prayer.” Only a humble heart can come and prostrate before God in prayer. A humble person is always ready to ask for guidance from God and from others. He is also ready to listen, and learn from others. It takes humility to give praise, and also, to ask for forgiveness. So, let us humbly ask the Lord: “O Jesus! Meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours.”

God Bless,
Deacon Howard