Today we are taking up a collection to help the Catholic mission around the world. How appropriate it is to hear today’s gospel (Mark 6:7-13) as Jesus sends his apostles out on the first missionary journey of the Church. Actually, that is the primary function of the Church – to go out and spread the good news. Some of the hearers will accept the message, while others reject it. Jesus tells the twelve to expect different responses—some positive, some negative—to their mission especially when the need for repentance is proclaimed.
The prophet Amos experienced one such negative reaction to his mission when he was ejected from the Northern Kingdom 700 years before the Lord. As followers of Jesus, we may not be called to the missions of Africa or Asia, but rather the home missions—the United States, which is becoming more and more secular and materialistic. By rejecting the pagan culture and living as authentic Catholics, we are, in fact, doing missionary work. All we have to do is follow the words of our Lord—love God and love our neighbor as ourselves.
- Fr. Carl
“This earth is a bridge to cross the
water; it serves only to support
our steps.”
- The Cure D’Ars