Friday, October 4, 2024

Respect Life Month

Dear Friends, Peace in Christ!

“The husband and wife should be similar to the hand and the eye. When the hand hurts, the eyes should be crying. And when the eyes cry, the hand should wipe away the tears.” This image given to us by St. John Chrysostom (c. 347–407) is poignant in light of this Sunday’s readings which place before us the mystery of marriage and family. May our married couples and their families (as well as those dating and engaged!) continue to grow in love that is selfless, faithful, and merciful.

Every October, the Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month. We reflect on the gift of every human life and how to build a culture that defends life from conception to natural death. On a very related note, please be mindful of the guidance given by Archbishop Lori as well as the Maryland Catholic Conference ( encouraging Catholics to oppose Question 1 which will appear on our ballots this November. For more information about Respect Life Month, see

October is also devoted to Our Lady of the Rosary. The Rosary is a timeless, simple prayer which helps us meditate on the mysteries of the life of Jesus through the eyes and heart of Mary. The Rosary can be said individually, with family or with friends—whether at the beginning or end of the day, during a car-ride, on a walk; whether it’s a decade or a whole rosary. On the drive from OLC and St. Jane, I can pray one rosary (two if it is between the hours of 4–6pm.) There are many Rosary podcasts available that help me with this beautiful devotion.

For all current and interested altar servers, Saturday October 12 is our Pastorate-wide altar server retreat at Our Lady of the Chesapeake. See the announcement in the bulletin for more information. Please join us!

Please mark October 19 on your calendars for our Pastorate Trunk or Treat event! This is a great event to invite a friend or family to attend, a friend/family who perhaps do not yet have a parish to call home. Ask the Holy Spirit to put that family or friend on your heart whom you can invite. And remember, you’re not inviting them to the dentist, but to fellowship and to joy (fellowship and joy in Jesus and the Church!)

In Christ,
Father John