Friday, March 11, 2011

A Message from our Deacon

Dear Parishioners,

New Year’s Eve with many well intentioned resolutions is long gone and mostly forgotten. But Lent provides us with another opportunity to look at where we are in life and make some necessary changes. A simple way is to make time to pray. Find that private space, that quiet time, where you can be alone with your thoughts and alone with God. It can be when you go for a walk, when you are working on a hobby or perhaps when you turn the television and the lights off just before going to bed. Make the time for yourself, it isn’t being selfish, it’s simply about making room in your life to nurture your relationship with God.

- Deacon Robert

"We must take great care never to do
anything before having said our
Morning Prayers… The Devil once
declared… that if he could have the
first moment of the day, he was sure
of all the rest."
- The Saint Cure D’Ars