Dear Friends,
Jesus entrusted His Church with the Great Commission:
“Go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matt 28:19)
This month, our Pastorate is launching a major evangelization initiative that can change your life and many others. Called “3 in 1” in honor of the Trinity, it stands for “3 people in 1 year”: a challenge to you and me to evangelize by personally inviting 3 people in 1 year to Mass or a pastorate or ministry event, or to share your faith with them, or to reach out and do something—anything—that you weren’t doing before.
For three weeks in September, prior to the start of Mass, we’re hearing from a variety of parishioners whose lives were forever changed merely because someone they knew cared enough about them to personally invite them to something (Mass, Bible study, etc.) that set in course a series of events that had a profound impact on their lives and, consequently, those they love…FOREVER.
3 in 1 is NOT a “ministry” with regular required meetings. It’s nothing else to add to your busy schedule. It’s a commitment to change the world as an everyday part of your life… to get used to regularly personally inviting people to encounter Jesus in the life of the Church. It’s evangelization as a way of life.
If you’re thinking, “I’m not involved with anything at the parish that I can invite people to,” 3 in 1 is for you. Notice that our bulletins/flocknotes are FILLED with many spiritual and social events and ministry opportunities for you to participate in. Now is the time to step forward in your life of faith. If no one personally invites you, invite yourself! And personally invite someone to come with you.
If you’re thinking, “I’m already involved in parish life,” 3 in 1 is for you! Don’t merely come by yourself to your ministry gatherings or pastorate events—invite someone to join you.
Please pray and consider making a commitment next weekend, September 23 and 24 at Mass, to personally invite 3 people in 1 year to Mass or a pastorate event, or to share your faith with them, or something else. With prayer and the grace of God, you can literally change the future of the world, most importantly for those you love and care about.
How can I do this? Through personal prayer and grace. The Holy Spirit will help you discern and reach out to people.
You’re invited to an optional 3 in 1 Kickoff & Workshop (Oct. 9 and Oct. 14) to help equip yourself and become more comfortable with inviting people, even if you’re shy. See elsewhere in the bulletin for details.
The power of personal invitation… Jesus used it, and He changed the world through it. He wants you to, also. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” (Matthew 9:37). Be a laborer!
Peace in Christ,
Father Jim