Dear Parishioners,
Last weekend contained two beautiful ceremonial spectacles. The first, broadcast on just about every television station available, was the royal wedding from London. The second was the beatification Mass of John Paul II from Rome. It was televised on only a few channels. So the weekend revolved around a tale of two cities – London and Rome. By far, the more elaborate and colorful event was the one in London. But the more important one was in Rome. After all, that was the official pronouncement that John Paul II lived a blessed life and will one day be a saint. Whereas, London was merely legitimatizing a formerly immoral, co-habitational relationship. It was nice that the royal couple finally did the right thing, but it would have been better had they, like Princess Diana, done the right thing and lived a chaste and moral life before the wedding. John Paul II proved to be a role model throughout his life. May our young people choose good role models for their imitation, and may all of us try to become good Catholic role models for young and old alike.
- Fr. Carl