The widow in today’s Gospel (Mark 12:38-44) is not an example or a parable or an illustration of something as much as she is a voice, a person longing to come to life in all of us. Like Bartimaeus of Jericho, this woman lives in you and me at the deepest level of meaning I know. We have seen her eyes in our dreams, and in our best moments, know how much we long for that kind of faith that we could give it all away and follow Jesus. Absolute trust. Impossible? A dream? Maybe. But then, maybe such trust is not a dream at all but a gift. Let this widow live in you. Give generously. Love unconditionally. Trust in Jesus absolutely, now and always.
- Deacon Robert
“One ought always to be ready to give up one’s
own will to do what God wants…”
~ Thoughts of the Cure D’Ars