Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy Epiphany!

Dear Parishioners,

This weekend we meet the Magi (Three Kings) coming to adore the Christ Child (Matthew 2:1-12). They traveled and searched far and wide to worship Jesus. They spent a lot of time in their efforts, and they bring costly gifts as befitting another King, the King of the World, Jesus. There’s a lesson for all of us. If we want to meet Jesus and be with him, it requires time, effort, and sacrifice. Let us learn from the Magi and imitate their wisdom by using our time in daily prayer and weekly worship. Jesus is always waiting for us to come and be with him.

Happy Epiphany,
Fr. Carl

“God allowed the Blessed Virgin to be both in poverty,
to the end that her nativity should more closely
resemble that of her Divine Son, of whom the Prophets
had foretold that he would have no place to lay his head.”
~ Thoughts of the Cure D’Ar