Brothers and Sisters,
We celebrate this Sunday the feast of the Ascension, when we recall how after Our Lord had appeared to His disciples for 40 days after His Resurrection, He ascended into heaven. The reason today’s feast is so important is that we are recalling that all of the recent events in Jesus’ life have not only happened but that they were shown to us, shown to us that we might know about it, believe it, and place our hope in it. Jesus endured these events so that we would walk in His footsteps. By walking in His footsteps, we take up and continue His mission in the world. And Jesus is indeed with us.
In this Sunday’s Gospel reading from Mark (Mk 16:15-20), we learn that our union with Jesus is expressed in practical ways: driving out demons, communicating in new languages, protection from harm (both external and internal), and healing of the sick, by laying on of hands. These things will happen not because of our ingenuity or strength, but because of Jesus’ presence and power. The real point of listing out these practical ways or signs is to communicate to us that with faith in Christ, we can do what is impossible for a person without faith. We who believe deeply now become Jesus’ mouth for preaching, His hands for healing, His eyes for seeing, and His feet for walking. We have been given a mission. We must evangelize with our words and with our deeds, through our sufferings and our complete offering of service to others just as Jesus did. May we always be open to the Lord working in our life and live as though we are on a mission.
God Bless,
Deacon Howard