It was wonderful but exhausting Holy Week. The weather cooperated, the liturgies were well attended and well celebrated. I never received so many compliments on the liturgies as I did this year.
Every year I hesitate to list all those who helped because I am afraid I will omit some group or person. So please forgive me if I do. First our maintenance men, our church cleaning crew, our liturgy and decorating committee, our lectors, our cantors, choirs, and musicians, our extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, our sacristans, and our altar servers, all did so very, very well. They were wonderful and I appreciate all the extra time they put into our liturgies.
One new assist was provided by Atlantic Maintenance Group who put in many hours to help make our grounds so attractive. The leaf removal and mulch around our flower beds and trees was provided at no cost to the parish. What a blessing!
This Second Sunday of Easter, also known as Divine Mercy Sunday, celebrates the great mercy God through Jesus offers us in the Sacrament of Penance. Jesus passes that mercy through the priests of the Church. God never tires of forgiving. So let us never tire of asking.
- Fr. Carl
“Jesus on the Cross said to the disciple whom he loved:
‘Behold your mother!’ How sweet are those words to the Christian
who is able to understand what depths of love they contain!”
~ Thoughts of the Cure D’Ars