Dear Parishioners,
Back in late February, it seemed as though Lent would never begin. Now it is hard to believe that it is almost ended. We are headed down the home stretch as we celebrate Palm Sunday this weekend and launch into Holy Week. Palm (Passion) Sunday is a stark reminder of how life can change very, very quickly. Jesus enters Jerusalem as a hero to the acclaim and adulation of hundreds of people. But only a few days later these same people will turn on him and cry out for his death. But this wasn’t to be a normal form of execution but the cruelest most humiliating form known to man - crucifixion.
It is a reminder that bad things can happen to us even tragic events. There are no guaranties in life except for one. If we are faithful to God, he will raise us up after death. That’s what happened to Jesus and what is in store for us. If we put our trust in worldly treasures and success, we will ultimately find disappointment, but if we trust God, we will be happy now and forever.
Fr. Carl