Dear Parishioners,
Who do we say Jesus is? Is He our savior? Is He our Lord? Is He our God? If we answer “yes He is,” do our actions reflect this profession of faith? Are we a people who walk the talk no matter what the consequences?
In the Gospel, Peter represents the Christian community, both in his profession of faith and in his misunderstanding of the faith (Mk 8:27-35). We, too, are most willing, even eager at times, to proclaim what we believe about Jesus. But most of the time, we are only half ready to follow through with the implications of what we say, especially when it calls us to follow the redeeming suffering of the Savior. Jesus says to the Church, too, what he said to Peter: “Get in line behind me; walk in my path; go where I will lead.” May our faith in action follow in the footsteps of Christ which will lead us to everlasting life.
God Bless,
Deacon Howard