Friday, January 12, 2024

Hearing The Voice Of The Lord

Dear Friends of our Pastorate,

This weekend, the Church returns to Ordinary Time. Our readings speak to us of being called by the Lord. The first reading from the 1st Book of Samuel tells of the encounter between the Lord and Samuel. The Lord calls out to Samuel, who at first doesn’t realize it is the Lord speaking to him. Eli, the temple priest, doesn’t realize it at first either, but soon comes to understand that it is the Lord, and instructs Samuel to respond in faith. John’s Gospel tells us of the encounter between two of John’s disciples and Jesus. One of the two is Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter. He goes to Peter to tell him they have found the Messiah and brings him to Jesus. As disciples of the Lord, we are asked to be like Eli and Andrew—helping others to hear the voice of the Lord and bringing others to come to know the Lord. Who in your life is hearing the Lord’s voice but is not sure who it is? Who can you invite to come and meet the Lord here at one of our Pastorate Masses?

This week, our Pastorate is hosting Shelter Week at Our Lady of the Chesapeake. We will be hosting about 25 men, supplying them with a place to stay and meals. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to assist us in this corporal work of mercy. Please pray for the guests and all who will be serving them during this time. If you would like to volunteer, please check the sign-up form located on OLC’s website: Thanks!

The 2024 Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries begins this month. This year’s theme is “Faith in Action—Transforming Lives, Impacting Communities.” Many of you will be receiving information about the appeal in the mail. Please take time to review the many programs that are funded by the appeal, and be sure to make your annual commitment to the appeal. The parish goal for St. Jane Frances is $62,158 and for Our Lady of the Chesapeake, it is $60,290. All monies raised through the Annual Appeal are considered restricted gifts and will go to support the Church’s many outreach programs, educational needs, and social services including the essential works of Catholic Charities. Please be as generous as you can and support the 2024 Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries.

Although we have just finished up the Christmas season, we are only one month away from the start of the Lenten Season. Ash Wednesday is on February 14th—one month from today! Stations of the Cross and the Knights of Columbus Fish Frys will begin on Friday, February 16th and will be held at St. Jane Frances. And be sure to mark the date for this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Bazaar – Friday March 15th!

Thank you for keeping our Pastorate in your daily prayers!

Father Steve