Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany which means a manifestation, or a showing, or a revealing. On Christmas, Jesus was shown to the poor Jewish shepherds. Now on the Epiphany, he is shown to the Gentile Magi who are led by a star (Matthew 2:1-12). This event shows that God’s kingdom will be open to all—Jew and Gentile alike. For God’s kingdom is not an exclusive club for just a few but an inclusive family open to all, because he came to save everybody. He even came to save King Herod. Sadly, Herod was so focused on himself, he thought Jesus to be a threat to his kingdom and tried to kill him. Instead, he killed any chance he might have found peace and happiness for himself. It goes to show that too much self-absorption can destroy our lives and any chances we might have for joy, peace, and lasting happiness. Let us, like the Magi, continue searching for Jesus in the world around us. He wants us to come and find him.
- Fr. Carl
“Let us adore Jesus Christ as our God; let us follow him
as our King. Let us offer him all we have and all we are.”
~ Thoughts of the Cure D’Ars