Dear Parishioners,
The Christmas services were beautiful, as always, thanks to the efforts of the Liturgy Committee, the Sanctuary Society, the volunteers who decorated the worship area, the Ushers, the Sacristans, the Altar Servers, the Lectors, the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, the Greeters, the Parish Choir, Cantors and our Music Director/Organist, Diane Kinsley.
At Christmas Jesus, the Messiah, was revealed to Israel through the witness of the shepherds. Today on the Epiphany (it means manifestation), Jesus is revealed to the gentiles (non Jews) through the witness of the Magi. That’s good news to those of us who aren’t Jews. In other words, Jesus came to save all peoples. He doesn’t discriminate. Perhaps that should be our challenge for the coming year. Most of us discriminate in one way or another. It could be by nationality, race, gender, intelligence, athletic ability, social status, etc. Let us, in the coming year, resolve to see each person we meet as one of Jesus’ special friends. It would be a gift to Our Lord more precious than gold, frankincense, or myrrh.
- Fr. Carl