Dear Friends of St. Jane Frances and OLC,
Christ is Risen! Happy Easter! Our Easter season continues this weekend with the celebration of the
Sixth Sunday of Easter. Our readings this weekend begin to make the turn toward the coming of the Advocate: the Holy Spirit. John’s Gospel tells us the Spirit will remain with us and be in us so that we are never abandoned or left as orphans. The Spirit of God is the bond of love between Father and Son that is now shared with each and every one of us as well. Whenever we experience love in our lives, we are experiencing God. (Just a reminder—the celebration of the Ascension will occur next weekend, May 20-21, and not on Thursday, May 18th.)
I would also like to wish a Blessed and Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, and the women in our lives who have been like mothers to us. I pray this day will fill you with love and surround you with the blessings of many loving family members and friends. May our Blessed Mother continue to watch over you and guide you on your faith journey as she leads you to a deeper love for her Son. May is the month of our Blessed Mother. We had beautiful weather for the May Crowning at St Jane’s last weekend. This weekend at OLC, we will be celebrating the crowing of Mary after the 10:45am Mass. You are invited to bring bouquets of flowers to place before the Blessed Mother throughout the month of May.
This week, please keep in your prayers our OLC 10th graders who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday, May 17th. After this Confirmation, our pastorate youth will be celebrating the Sacrament together in the fall of 10th grade. The next pastorate Confirmation is scheduled for Wednesday, November 8th at 5:30pm at OLC and will include teens from both parishes.
Finally, I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has given me birthday cards and ordination anniversary cards. I celebrated my 60th birthday on May 10th and will be celebrating my 20th ordination anniversary on May 24th. I would like to thank everyone who has been working on parish celebrations for me (it is very generous and I am most grateful!) There is a celebratory gathering on Saturday evening, May 13th, after the vigil Mass at SJF Hall and on Sunday, May 21st after both Masses in the Gathering Place at OLC.
Thank you for keeping our Pastorate of Our Lady of the Chesapeake and St. Jane Frances in your daily
God Bless,
Father Steve