Brothers and Sisters,
Whenever I read the Gospel passage for his Sunday (Jn 1:29-34), I am amazed at the insight and knowledge that John the Baptist has been given concerning the identity of Jesus. How would John have known all of this about Jesus? What was the source of such profound statements about Jesus? Most likely John would have studied the Scriptures of the time and would have known the many statements about the coming Messiah spoken by the prophets of old. He would have known the scriptures of the Old Testament. But, first and foremost, John would have gained his knowledge by the gift of faith. He would have had true spiritual insight granted by God. This insight reveals not only the greatness of John and the depth of his faith, but it also reveals what we must strive for in life. We must strive to daily walk by faith and spiritual insight granted by God. John was clearly “filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb” (Lk 1:15, CCC 717). These spiritual gifts gave him the ability to live a life sustained by the grace of God. John knew things and understood things that only God could reveal. He loved Jesus with reverence and submission of his will that could only be inspired by God. Most evidently, John’s holiness came as a result of his relationship with God. John’s knowledge was insightful because the Holy Spirit was alive in his life, leading him and revealing these truths.
May we commit ourselves, this day, to an imitation of John’s deep faith and develop the spiritual gifts each of us has been given. This will lead us to a deeper relationship with Jesus and to be open to all that God wants to speak and reveal to each of us.
God Bless,
Deacon Howard