Jesus provides us with an explanation of the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-9). He compared the various soils to different receptions of the gospel message: sometimes rejected, other times off to a good start but poor follow-through, other times choked by too many competing interests, and thankfully sometimes received to produce an amazing fruitful life. We want to be the good soil that is receptive to God’s word. But notice that all of the soils mentioned are in the same field, and each of us has experienced having all four types of this soil within us. We have all had times when God’s message bounced right off of us, or took root quickly, then withered soon after, or got choked by the weeds of our competing interests. But then we have also had those moments when the message of God found us at just the right time, when our minds and hearts were ready to hear, when the insights bore fruit and an amazing harvest for God’s glory and our delight.
- Deacon Robert
“Those who are led by the Holy
Spirit experience all sorts of happiness
in themselves.”
- The Saint Cure D’Ars