Friday, August 16, 2024

Bread Of Life Discourse

Dear Friends of our Pastorate,

We are continuing our liturgical journey through the 6th Chapter of John’s Gospel – also know as the Bread of Life Discourse. Jesus tells us that He is the “living bread that came down from heaven and whoever eats this bread will live forever” and that “this bread is [His] flesh for the life of the world.” As Catholics, we believe that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ—His flesh that He gives us to eat. John’s Gospel tells us that there were quarrels about this, but Jesus continues to reinforce that His flesh is true food and His blood is true drink. From the early days of the Church, this has been the understanding of the Eucharist, and we continue to proclaim this truth to the world AND invite all to join us at this great feast by joining the Catholic Church. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord here at our Pastorate parishes.

Speaking of joining the Catholic Church, our Pastorate is preparing to launch our Order of Christian Initiation of Adults in September. This program has been known as R.C.I.A. (Rite vs. Order) but the terminology has been changed with the release of the new transition of the ritual. This program is open to anyone who wishes to become a member of the Catholic Church, either through being baptized or if already baptized, then being received and confirmed into the faith. If you or a loved one has never been baptized, or been baptized in a non-Catholic faith, or have been baptized Catholic but never received the Sacrament of Confirmation, this is the program for you! Fr. John Bilenki will be overseeing our RCIA program which will be held on Monday evenings at St. Jane Frances School. For more information, or to sign up for RCIA this year, please contact Fr. John at or call either of the parish offices.

Next weekend we will be offering a blessing of book bags, as our youth prepare to return to school. All of our school aged youth are invited to bring their book bags to Mass next weekend for a special blessing. Please keep our youth, their families, and all teachers in your prayers as we begin another school year.

Our September marriage anniversary blessings will take place on Sunday, September 1st at the 8:30am Mass at OLC and the 10:00am Mass at St Jane Frances. All couples married in the month of September are invited to join us at either Mass and receive a special blessing upon their marriage.

Thanks to everyone who has donated to our roof replacement projects. As of 8/12/24, we have raised over $75,000 each at both OLC and at SJF. Tax-free donations (nothing will go to the Archdiocese) are still being accepted for both projects.

Thank you for keeping our Pastorate of the Visitation—St. Jane Frances and Our Lady of the Chesapeake—in your daily prayers!

God Bless,
Father Steve