Friday, April 26, 2013

Love One Another

Dear Parishioners,

Jesus gives us a new commandment, to love one another as he loves us (John 13:31-33a, 34-35). Being commanded to “love” is difficult for us to understand. Yet, God’s grip on us and Jesus’ command of theology is supreme. God’s love, goodness and mercy knows no limits.

A child afraid to cross a busy street, and standing beside his mother cried for the mother to hold his tiny hand. Mom’s arms were already full so she told the child to reach up and take hold of her outstretched finger. But the child refused to cross the street even with the offer of the mother’s finger to hold. The child protested, “I don't want to hold your hand, I want you to hold my hand.” Mom rearranged her load, and offered her child a full hand into which the child’s hand slipped confidently. And together they crossed the busy street.

You may meet someone fearful of the busyness and chaos in this world and in need of Christ’s love. Why not take their hand and help them to safely cross to the other side?

- Deacon Robert

“No prayer is ever lost.”
~ The Cure D’Ars