Dear Parishioners,
As the school year comes to a close and graduations take place, so too does the Easter season, with the Solemnity of Pentecost next weekend. But this weekend sets the stage for Pentecost as we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. Before the Holy Spirit could descend on the apostles and the Church, Jesus had to ascend to heaven. However, the Ascension is more than an historical celebration of Jesus’ triumphal victory over sin and evil; it is an invitation for us to join in the work of Jesus to spread the good news as we live our faith. After all, the two angels in the first reading said to the apostles “Men of Galilee why are you standing there looking into the sky?” (Acts 1:1–11) In other words, “Don’t just stand there. Get to work and spread the gospel.” Always in the gospel, what is said to the disciples is meant for us as well. Lent may be over, but we still have work to do—to help build up the kingdom of God. And that’s not just a job but rather a privilege.
Fr. Carl