Friday, November 20, 2015

Our Loving and Forgiving King

Dear Parishioners,

Several months ago, our nation was shocked when nine people were murdered at Emanuel Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Within a few days, the accused was arraigned for those murders in a courtroom fill with the family members of those whose lives he ended.

To a person those family members spoke words of forgiveness, saying to the accused that God loved him and longed for him to find the mercy and grace only God can give. Those moments and what followed in the city of Charleston and our nation took our breath away as we watched persons who are citizens of God’s kingdom live and act in ways that witness God’s liberating and loving ways.

How could that be? Such acts of mercy, speaking love to hate and offering forgiveness in the face of murder is God’s work through human life. Such work, such acts of grace are more powerful than any army or arsenal known to the human family. Live in God’s kingdom, liberated and loving, showing a still broken world that the way of love is the way of life. As you do, know that our King has no end and shall reign forever and ever.

- Deacon Robert

“Happier than those who lived during his mortal life,
when he was only in one place, we find Jesus Christ
today in every corner of the world, in the Blessed
- Thoughts of the Cure D’Ars