If you have been observant, you might have noticed some maintenance work here at St. Jane Frances. First of all, the concrete ramp leading into the side of church, which was in bad condition was repaired by some of our Knights of Columbus. The big rut and crumbling portions were cut out and fresh concrete was poured along with the sidewalk by the chapel entrance and the back sidewalk of the rectory. Thank you to George Fischer, Jerry Dooley, Jack Fowler, and Rick Przybylski for your time and talent.
We also had a number of trees pruned, shingles on the church roof replaced, and a new sidewalk in front of the school poured. Currently we are in the process of removing the tiles in the hall and abating the asbestos in the mastic beneath them. Furthermore, we are renovating the school bathrooms on the ground floor for the new school year.
This week, the gospel calls our attention to the theme of stewardship (Luke 12:32-48). Jesus tells the parable of a good steward and a bad steward, each in charge of managing his master’s property, and the results. The good steward will be rewarded and the bad steward punished. This parable is meant for you and me. After all, everything belongs to God, we are just stewards for a short while on earth of God’s time, treasure, and God-given talent. May God give us the grace and strength to be good stewards and use all these gifts so as to make God proud to call us His children.
- Fr. Carl
“If we are tempted to thoughts of envy against our neighbor, far
from letting him see it by our cold manner, we must go out of our
way to be friendly, and do him any service that lies in our power.”
~ Thoughts of the Cure D’Ars