Dear Family in Christ,
Presenting: Presence. Today the Church celebrates the presentation of Jesus in the Temple, narrated in Luke 2:22-40. This is a ritually rich feast day: the Church blesses candles for liturgical and home use. We begin Mass with a special candlelit procession that symbolizes Mary and Joseph bringing Jesus into the Temple. With all the candles, this feast is also called “Candlemas”. Candlemas reminds us of Jesus the Light of the world who illumines every soul. We remember our baptism: we received the Light of Christ “to be kept burning brightly.” Through Word and sacrament and prayer, Jesus the Light, His real and true Presence is presented to us and enkindled in us. May the Light shine brightly through us for all to see. Please take a blessed candle for your domestic church for devotion and prayer!
Thank you for your attention and prayerful support during this giving weekend for the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. As has been
explained, this appeal contributes greatly to the important work of sharing and living out the Gospel in our local Church.
The goal amount for St. Jane Frances is: $57,782.
The goal amount for Our Lady of the Chesapeake is: $60,379.
Your gift may be made with the envelopes provided in the pews or online by following the instructions at the following link: Thank you for your support!
At our 10am and 10:45am Masses, we held a special rite of enrollment for our children preparing for their first Holy Communion this Spring. Let us pray for them as they prepare for such a wonderful moment in their lives! Finally, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord is the Church’s World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. Please pray for and encourage vocations to the consecrated life, especially from our Pastorate. I am certain that we have future religious sisters and brothers and priests in our pews!
And if you know any consecrated religious, thank them! A few come to mind… Sister Sally Russell (Sisters of Saint Joseph) who has generously served us; Brother Joe Krondon (Conventual Franciscan) from St. Jane; the Little Sisters of the Poor in Catonsville who visit us annually; Nashville Dominican Sisters at Mount de Sales. And many more! May they continue to be inspired by Jesus and respond generously to God’s gift of their vocation to be Christ’s light.
May the Light shine brightly in our souls, our homes, and Pastorate! Let us pray for one another.
Father John