Friday, August 30, 2019

Get To Know God Better

Dear Parishioners,

What a blessed summer we have enjoyed. Bright and sunny and hot, it was so much better than last year’s rainy and dreary weather. Praise the Lord! Now that school is starting, our children will be learning and studying all kinds of subjects, but what about you and me? There’s an old adage that says, “You are never too old to learn.” Furthermore, the old Baltimore Catechism taught us, “God made me to know Him, to love Him, and serve Him in this life so as to be happy with Him in heaven.”

Here at St. Jane’s, we have several opportunities to do that. First, there is RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). It is primarily for those interested in learning about the Catholic faith and possibly becoming Catholics themselves. It’s also a good refresher course for adult Catholics whose education most likely ended at age 14 with the sacrament of Confirmation. Second, our Alpha program on Sunday afternoons is designed to help anybody enter into a more personal relationship with God. Third is the Men’s Fellowship meeting starting Monday, Sept. 9th at 7:00 pm to study the Gospel of John. Finally, how about home study where you take a book of the Bible and read a little bit (15 minutes) each day until finished. I would suggest Luke first, then the Acts of the Apostles—followed by Matthew, Mark, and John. I promise that you will get to know Jesus better. As St. Jerome said, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” Or to put it in positive words, “Knowledge of the Bible leads to knowledge of Christ.” As I hear at the end of one TV commercial (with Joe Namath), if you follow any of these suggestions, “You will be glad you did.”

Father Carl | The Catholic Faith on Demand

Also available FREE to St. Jane Parishioners…

The Catholic Faith on Demand. Get unlimited access to thousands of movies, video programs, scripture studies, audios and ebooks in English and Spanish for Adults and Youth.