Jesus announced Good News, telling his friends and family that God’s Kingdom was breaking into their lives through the story he would live and tell (Luke 1:1-4;4:14-21). He told his story of God’s love and grace his way, he lived the story his way. He suffered and died on the cross for many reasons, not the least of which was he could not help but tell the story of God’s presence in the world as only he could tell it.
How will you tell your story? What if you followed our Lord’s example, arming yourself with strength from God’s Word, aware of people who have placed good gifts in you, and that your own life story is worth telling? Tell your story your way. When you do, you will be in the same company with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, all who have told the Jesus story across the ages.
- Deacon Robert
“Those who have pure souls are like eagles and
swallows which fly in the air.”
~ Thoughts of the Cure D’Ars