Merry Christmas!
This weekend’s celebration of Epiphany brings us near the end of the Christmas season. Epiphany Sunday traditionally points us to a few different “epiphanies” or “theophanies” in Scripture – these are to say: revelations of God’s love for us.
There is the epiphany to the wise men which we hear in this weekend’s Gospel. This epiphany reveals that the newborn King Jesus is the Savior of all, the Light for all nations.
A second epiphany is Christ’s baptism in the Jordan (celebrated next Sunday). Christ’s baptism reveals that he is the Father’s beloved Son and that we are to listen to him. Christ’s baptism reveals that he is united to our human condition in a profound way, so that we may be united to his divinity in a profound way.
Finally, a third epiphany, recorded in John’s Gospel, is the wedding feast at Cana where Jesus performs his first miracle at his Mother’s intercession, revealing his mercy and power to turn our water into wine.
Epiphanies reveal God’s love for us and his presence with us. What epiphanies have there been in your life recently?
God’s love has been shown in Advent preparations and Christmas celebrations. There have been many occasions of great mercy and hope. While there are different struggles and sorrows we carry in these times, I have been humbled and inspired to see Christ bring hope and light through Reconciliation, our Christmas Masses, and our pastorate’s gatherings and works of charity.
As a concluding Epiphany thought, the carol “In the Bleak Midwinter” comes to mind. For all of God’s goodness to us, what shall we offer in return?
What can I give him
poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd,
I would bring a lamb.
If I were a wise man
I would do my part,
yet what I can I give him,
give my heart.
Let us pray for one another and our pastorate in these festive days. May the Lord richly bless you and keep you always in His love!
Father John