Jesus came from Galilee and submitted to John’s baptism in the Jordan (Matthew 3:13-17). Jesus trusted his whole life to God, his Father. At our Baptism, we became more intimately united with Jesus and God, our Father in heaven. We who hear the story of our Lord’s death and resurrection, entrust our lives to the One who died and rose again. To be a Christian, to take into your life the Christian story, to believe God’s Spirit can work through you is to entrust your life—past, present and future—to Jesus Christ.
- Deacon Robert
“May you also be true evangelizers! May your
initiatives be ‘bridges,’ means of bringing others to Christ,
so as to journey together with him. And in this spirit may
you always be attentive to charity. Each individual
Christian and every community is missionary to the extent
that they bring to others and live the Gospel, and testify to
God’s love for all, especially those experiencing difficulties.”
~ Pope Francis