Dear Parishioners,
What faith, what love, what sacrificial generosity we see in the two widows in today’s scripture readings (Mk 12:38-44). They had so little jet they gave so much; they gave their all. How many of us would have even come close to matching them? During this month, we celebrate Thanksgiving and the many blessings we enjoy in our wonderful country. We are the beneficiaries not only of our American forefathers, but also of the Catholic Church which nourishes our immortal souls. It is a good time to reflect on our response to God. Have we expressed our gratitude through prayer and worship? Have we given our family the time they need? Have we given God time in daily prayer and worship? How have we used our talents to benefit our families, our communities and the church? And finally, how have we shared our treasure with the poor, the needy, and the church? In short, how generous have we been?
- Fr. Carl
P.S. I would like to thank Cub Scout Pack 414 for raking and cleaning up the entrance areas in front of the church. They generously gave of their time and talent on a chilly and blustery Saturday morning to make our grounds more attractive. Thank you!