Mark begins his story of Jesus as “good news,” because God is at work in Jesus of Nazareth, showing us God’s life, speaking God’s love, demonstrating God’s mercy and living God’s promise. The Gospel of our Lord is the story of God who refuses to leave us to our own designs, who knows we are laden with so much bad news it would crush us, and yet who never gives up on us, loving us back to God’s heart.
We can find assurance in the promise that Jesus will be with us all the way. Today’s story (Mark 1:14-20) tells us of fishermen who dropped their nets and immediately followed Jesus. What they will come to learn as disciples is that the One who called them will never abandon them to their fears or their own confusions. And so it is with us. What God calls “good news” is the promise that Jesus who calls us to follow will take us on a journey and never let us go. Such a promise is nothing less than good news… then, now and always. Such is the story Mark begins to tell and the good news we are invited to believe.
- Deacon Robert
“Let them say all they have to say. When
they have said all they have to say, there will be no more to be said and they will be silent.”
~ Thoughts of the Cure D’Ars