Brothers and Sisters,
Have you heard of a mission statement and do you know what it is intended for? The mission statement is usually created to form the vision or purpose of a company, organization, or individual. It communicates the entity’s reason for being and guides its day-to-day decision making. At the beginning of this new year, it may be wise of us to examine our own mission statement and to revise it if necessary. We have all been given a specific mission in life.
The Gospel this week, shows Jesus beginning His mission (Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21). He reads from the prophet Isaiah in the synagogue, announcing that He has come to bring good news to the poor, freedom to captives, and sight to the blind. Jesus announces the mission statement of His public ministry. He declares this prophecy as being fulfilled in Himself.
Our mission, like Christ’s mission, is to do what we have been uniquely commissioned by Christ to do. Have we made our mission in life to be what Jesus has called us to? Is our mission statement aligned with His? The mission and ministry of Jesus is a reminder to us of our Christian responsibility to our world. This is based on the understanding that every good thing we do has an eternal value. Each time we do good according to God’s will, we participate in the mission statement of Jesus. May the vision and ministry of Jesus be our vision in life and the joy of the Lord be our strength.
God Bless,
Deacon Howard