Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Priesthood: Growing diversity

Dear Parishioners,

Last weekend I began to share some interesting ideas and data which I received at a recent convocation with Archbishop O’Brien. Today, I’d like to share a little bit more of that information with you.

Growing Diversity
One third of all Catholics in the U.S. are Latinos. Over half of Hispanic Catholics identify themselves as charismatic. 68% of all Latinos are Catholic. Hispanic population will nearly triple by 2050 expanding to 497 million from 132.8 million. (Census Bureau Statistics) In 2010, 25% of all 5-year olds in the U.S. are Hispanic – up from 19% in 2000.

Catholic Stewardship
Percent of income donated to Church:
Protestants: 2 - 2.4%
Catholics: 1 - 1.2%
Average hours volunteered to Church:
Protestants: 3.0%
Catholics: 1.6%

Declining Youth Attendance at Mass
62+          52%
44-61       38%
18-43       21%

(To be continued...)
- Fr. Carl