Friday, April 8, 2011

Be the person God created you to be

Dear Parishioners,

Our Lord’s raising of Lazarus from death (John 11:1-45) shows us, like no other miracle Jesus performed, that God is the giver of life. On our spiritual journey through Lent, we are wise to remember that the journey we make is one that doesn’t end on that lonely hill of Calvary but at the garden’s empty tomb. We receive ashes on our forehead on a Wednesday to remind us of our mortality, only to wake up on a Sunday, transformed by God’s triumph of life over death.

It’s the answer to the age old question we face: “If we die will we live again?” Let’s make these last days of Lent days full of good choices and life-changing decisions. Be the person God created you to be. Let God’s life-giving Spirit so bless your life that all things are new for you through Christ Jesus our Lord.

- Deacon Robert

“A HOUSE founded on the Cross will
fear neither wind, nor rain, nor storm.”
- The Saint Cure D’Ars