Friday, July 22, 2011

Seeking the Kingdom of Heaven

Dear Parishioners,

If you seek knowledge about God’s Kingdom of Heaven, you need not look for it in a cathedral, or by taking a pilgrimage to a holy place or by attending a seminary. Of course God is to be found in these places, but you can also find the Kingdom of Heaven breaking through into this world in the laughter of children, the knowing glance of an elderly couple who still hold hands after many years of marriage, the beauty of a sunrise or a sunset, the forgiving embrace of a friend, the hospitality of a stranger, or the generosity of people caring for those less fortunate than themselves. To seek the Kingdom of God, we must use the language found here on earth…words like joy, sacrifice, surprise and abundance. Here is where we find the treasure buried in a field, where the proverbial “X” marks the spot for us to begin digging for the treasure of heaven.

- Deacon Robert

“Do not allow yourselves to be
overly saddened by the unfortunate
accidents of this world. You are not
aware of the benefits they bring and by
what secret judgment of God they are
arranged for the eternal joy of the elect.”
- St. John of the Cross