Friday, March 23, 2012

Following Your Heart

Dear Parishioners,

A champion high jumper was once asked how he was able to catapult his body across the bar and set the world’s record. Thoughtfully, the athlete responded, “I threw my heart over the bar and the rest of me followed.”

Today’s readings from the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 31:31-34) and John’s Gospel (John 12:20-33) remind us that in the journey of faith, the heart lifts us to a level of living reserved for those who choose to follow Jesus. Simply put, there is no way to follow our Lord on his way to Jerusalem and the cross without doing so from the heart.

In these final days of Lent, no matter where you are on life’s everchanging and challenging journey, know above all else that Jesus, the giver of eternal life, the lover of your soul, longs to be with you. And who knows? Perhaps your longing to follow Jesus and his longing to be with you may become the pathway to the gift of eternal life.

- Deacon Robert

“When the heart is pure, it cannot help
loving, because it has found the source
of love, which is God himself.”
- The Cure D’Ars