Dear Parishioners,
Is there anyone among us who doesn't enjoy a well-planned, festive birthday party? And similarly, is there anything worse than a poorly planned birthday party? Unfortunately, some birthday parties do not go as we would like.
But not today! Today is the birthday of the Church. We call it “Pentecost,” a Jewish festival 50 days following Passover that we Christians have made into this birthday party for the Body of Christ (Acts 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13; John 20:19-23).
If God has blessed your family with children, you know how each child has his or her unique strengths, personality, interests, and giftedness. Not every child will express athleticism, or the talent for music. One child will excel in math and another in literature. So it is in our Christian family. We are all gifted by God with gifts that allow us to bless and strengthen God’s family. We are at our best as God’s family when we share the gifts God has given to each of us.
Here at Pentecost, this birthday of the Church, we remember that we are God’s people at our very best when we manifest the person of Jesus Christ by our very lives. Living in this community of faith aware of Christ’s presence among us is the Pentecost gift for us all.
- Deacon Robert