Friday, November 8, 2019

Attitude Of Gratitude

Dear Parishioners,

I like the prayer of the faithful during Mass where we ask to have a prayerful “attitude of gratitude.” Gratitude seems to be in short supply these days. The common feeling I encounter is more like that of entitlement or a sense of pride. I grew up in a home that had few privileges. I wasn’t one to feel better than others. Thus, it is easy for me to be thankful for the many things that I have received from God.

I have a strong faith and believe that God has blessed me beyond measure. I have been blessed with a good education and a fulfilling and useful career. My health has been good, and even though I can get the senior discount, I am thankful for being upright. I have been married for 44 years to a wonderful woman who is gentle and caring and certainly one who has to put up more from me than I from her! My children and grandchildren have carried us on some interesting paths, but the trip has made life a joy, filled with a fullness of love that leaves me smiling. God opened my eyes to the diaconate and showed me a life of service and giving. I have been brought here to St. Jane through several parishes and shown the great good that is the Church. I have failed many times to live up to the model of Christ, but his grace has always been with me, even when I failed to listen. I cannot hesitate to manifest an attitude of gratitude. I cannot respond to the saving love of Christ without an attitude of gratitude. I cannot look to my life without thanking God for the abundance of his gifts.

During this month of Thanksgiving, this month of stewardship, this month of gratitude, let us loudly proclaim our thankfulness for all the good that God has given us.

Deacon Steve