Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Not As Man Sees Does God See

Dear Parishioners,
How strange it was to have Sunday with no Masses. However, we had a vigil Mass on Saturday evening attended by 101 parishioners. How much longer our churches will be closed for Mass is unknown. We can however, watch Mass on EWTN, YouTube, and Furthermore, the week’s scripture readings are included (Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Eph 5:8-14 ; Jn 9:1-41) so that we can stay in touch with the Lord.
This week the readings are about seeing. In the first reading, Samuel is called by God to anoint a king from among Jesse’s 8 sons of lofty stature. The first seven are rejected because he doesn’t see in them what he wants in a king. “Not as man sees does God see.” Samuel finds the 8th son, David, is the one God wants. The gospel of the man born blind shows Jesus healing the man not only from physical blindness but also spiritual blindness. He alone comes to believe in Jesus and worships Him, whereas the Pharisees who can see remain blind to Jesus being the Messiah, the Son of Man.
May God help to enlighten us so as to grow in our faith.

Fr. Carl