Friday, April 28, 2023

Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!

Dear Friends of St. Jane Frances and OLC,

Christ is Risen! Happy Easter! Our Easter season continues this weekend with the celebration of the Fourth Sunday of Easter. This Sunday is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday as the readings this weekend are from passages where Jesus refers to himself as a shepherd to his people. As a good shepherd watches over and protects his sheep, Jesus is our Good Shepherd who watches over us, protects us, nurtures us, and leads us to the green pastures of our heavenly home.

We are approaching the half-way point of our Easter season, but we are continuing to celebrate in many different ways over the coming weeks. This weekend at the 11:30am Mass at St. Jane, we will be celebrating 1st Communions for 20+ young members of our parish community. Congratulations to all who will be receiving Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time this weekend. Next weekend (May 6–7), we will be celebrating 1st Communions at OLC at the 5:00pm Mass on Saturday, and on Sunday at the 10:45am Mass and a special 1:00pm Mass. Also next weekend, our high school youth will be on retreat so I ask you to keep them in your prayers. Confirmation for OLC’s high schoolers in 10th grade and higher will be celebrated on May 17th at 5:30pm with Bishop Parker. After that, Confirmations for both parishes will be celebrated together starting in November.

May is also the month of our Blessed Mother. Our May crowning at St Jane will take place on Sunday, May 7th following the 10:00am Mass. At OLC, we will celebrate the crowing of Mary on Mother’s Day, May 14th. You are invited to bring bouquets of flowers to place before the Blessed Mother at both events. Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet cards are available at both Churches as well. This is a wonderful way to remember your mothers, grandmothers, godmothers and any women in your life that have had a motherly influence on you. If you are still blessed to have these women in your life, there are Mother’s Day cards you can send them or give to them on Mother’s Day.

Finally, I would like to give you an update on the Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries. St Jane has received pledges for $31,795 (goal: $65,048) from 127 families. OLC has received pledges for $39,861 (goal: $57,481) from 199 families. If you would like to make a donation, go to Thank you for your generosity to our pastorate parishes!

Thank you for keeping our Pastorate of St. Jane Frances and Our Lady of the Chesapeake in your daily prayers!

God Bless,
Father Steve