Mary, the Mother of God. What is her manner, her witness to the miracle that is Christmas? Mary is quietly, simply, beautifully treasuring in her heart all the words that tell the story of Jesus. She knows what all of us must know if we are ever to fully know the power of the Gospel, the truth about God who loves us so much and wanted to give Himself to us so much that He became one of us in Jesus. Jesus teaches us that God has always been with us and is with us still to this very day. Christianity is a simple faith about who Jesus is, not who we are or what we think or how important we think any tradition or theology may be. Our heart’s treasure, if our hearts have a treasure, are the sacred stories of Mary and Jesus and their love for us, even until the end of time.
- Deacon Robert
“Although Mary knew that God had
raised her to the most supreme of all
honors – that of being the Mother of
God – nevertheless she regarded
herself as the least of all creatures.”
- The Cure D’Ars