Friday, September 11, 2020


Dear Parishioners,

I hope you all had a relaxing Labor Day Weekend. This week, many schools will open with different types of settings: remote, classroom, and combinations of the two. Last week, St. Jane Frances Preschool opened for ages two through four. The three and four-year-old classes are almost full, but there are a few openings left. If you hear of anyone looking for in-school classes, please have them call the school.

Last week, the scriptures talked about love of neighbor and that particular form of love known as fraternal correction. To correct anyone is difficult and challenging, but to do it in a loving way is even harder. Nevertheless, we must try, for “we are our brother’s/sister’s keeper.” And it is one of the 7 spiritual works of mercy—“warn the sinner.”

This week, we are encouraged to grow even more in our love of neighbor by forgiving their offenses against us. After all, in the Our Father, don’t we pray “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us?” Since God has been generous to us, we must do the same and be generous to others. Besides, Jesus said at the end of the Lord’s Prayer, “If you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive you.” (MT 6:15)

Fr. Carl