Friday, September 4, 2020

The Language Of God

Dear Parishioners,

Love is the fulfillment of the law, declares our second reading today from the Book of Romans (13:8–10). This is a powerful text of great theological meaning. Indeed, love is the language of God. We believe that the Holy Spirit emanates from the love of God the Father and Christ his son. Love is that mysterious phenomenon that brings us together. It is that thing that attracts us to each other. The word is used to describe the highest form of adoration or value. We love what we hold dearest. 

Now of course I am speaking of authentic love, the kind of love that demonstrates a real caring for the other. Love is the life blood of a marriage. It is that glue that holds things together. It says that I hold you, my spouse, in great esteem and promise to love you as myself even in bad times. This is how God feels about us, He loves us. We are his creation and his children. His love wills for us to live. His love wills for us to be good. His love wills for us to respond to him and others with love. It is this love that causes the man to buy the pearl of great price. It is this love that causes the woman to give her last two coins to the Temple. This love planted in our hearts by God calls us to join this church. It causes us to open our hearts and give food to strangers, to give our time to those in need, and to pray for others who need prayer. 

This mysterious gift from God makes the world go round I think. It is the real gift we give our families, our children, and our spouses. It causes us to kneel before the presence of God when we come to church, to give each other the sign of peace, and to open our hands with a great “Amen” when we receive the Eucharist. Thank you Lord for this most magnificent gift of your being and presence. Help me to share it with others.

Deacon Steve